Valentine-Cosman Music Series
Join Amanda Ashley - writer, singer-songwriter, national touring/recording artist, and music educator from Long Island, NY, for a live performance in Puppy's Game Cafe. Amanda's […]
Hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. till 8 p.m.
Don't miss upcoming events, performances, and workshops at the museum!
Join Amanda Ashley - writer, singer-songwriter, national touring/recording artist, and music educator from Long Island, NY, for a live performance in Puppy's Game Cafe. Amanda's […]
Join musician Sam Nitsch for a live performance in Puppy’s Game Cafe! Sam Nitsch specializes in the fusion of diverse musical styles and techniques. After […]
Join Amanda Ashley - writer, singer-songwriter, national touring/recording artist, and music educator from Long Island, NY, for a live performance in Puppy's Game Cafe. Amanda's […]
Join Amanda Ashley - writer, singer-songwriter, national touring/recording artist, and music educator from Long Island, NY, for a live performance in Puppy's Game Cafe. Amanda's […]
Join musician Sam Nitsch for a live performance in Puppy’s Game Cafe! Sam Nitsch specializes in the fusion of diverse musical styles and techniques. After […]
Join Amanda Ashley - writer, singer-songwriter, national touring/recording artist, and music educator from Long Island, NY, for a live performance in Puppy's Game Cafe. Amanda's […]
Join musician Sam Nitsch for a live performance in Puppy’s Game Cafe! Sam Nitsch specializes in the fusion of diverse musical styles and techniques. After […]
Join Amanda Ashley - writer, singer-songwriter, national touring/recording artist, and music educator from Long Island, NY, for a live performance in Puppy's Game Cafe. Amanda's […]
Join Resonanz, the outreach choir of the Rochester Oratorio Society, for an afternoon of carols in the cafe! This is the first installment of the […]
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Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.