
Events Calendar

Don't miss upcoming events, performances, and workshops at the museum!

Summer Camp: STEAM Week (SOLD OUT)

Recurring Recurring Event

This week of camp is sold out. Join us for a week of slime, kinetic sand, LEGOs, and more. Investigate the math, science, and technology […]

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Girls Make Games Summer Camp

Recurring Recurring Event

Learn how to design and program your own video game in just 3 weeks!  Camp participants learn the fundamentals of game development while working in […]

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Spin Master Summer of Play Week 3: Games and Puzzles

Recurring Recurring Event
Location Play Lab

Put your strategy skills to the test in the Play Lab and explore different puzzles and board games like Snack-o-Saurus and Jumanji Stampede, provided by […]

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National Toy Hall of Fame Eras Tour: Puzzle Era

Recurring Recurring Event
Location Adams Atrium

Discover what play inspires as the National Toy Hall of Fame Eras Tour enters the Enlightenment. This week highlights jigsaw puzzles, paper airplanes, rocking horses, […]

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Visitor Information

Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.