
Events Calendar

Don't miss upcoming events, performances, and workshops at the museum!

Summer Camp: Designers & Explorers

Recurring Recurring Event

Spend the week exploring museum exhibits such as Reading Adventureland, American Comic Book Heroes, and Field of Play. Collaborate with other campers to determine your […]

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Girls Make Games Summer Camp

Recurring Recurring Event

Learn how to design and program your own video game in just 3 weeks!  Camp participants learn the fundamentals of game development while working in […]

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Spin Master Summer of Play Week 2: Cool Maker PopStyle Bracelet Maker and Go Glam Nail Studio

Recurring Recurring Event
Location Play Lab

Express your creativity with the Cool Maker PopStyle Bracelet Maker and GO Glam Nail Studio. Discover your unique style by creating your own bracelet and […]

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National Toy Hall of Fame Eras Tour: Spin & Tumble

Recurring Recurring Event
Location Adams Atrium

Explore toys from the Middle Ages to see how play has changed and stayed the same through time. This week highlights dominoes, sidewalk chalk, jump […]

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Visitor Information

Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.